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  • Photo du rédacteurJane


To J.B.P

A vision, a story,

I don’t believe in unity.

No story touches all hearts.

It’s not real – a dream,

Made to ensnare people like me

Who have no identity.

It unites the monster to the princess,

Makes us all accessories.

Stories can be twisted, gutted,

Transformed, trampled.

My mother before me

Found a story.

She could have caught any other.

And if she’d dived deep enough,

Fought hard enough,

She might have done better.

But she was too thirsty,

And wanted a square story

One that’d make her slumber

For another hundred years.

Communism –

Is simple, nice.

But behind the eyes

A serpent slithers,

It bents the words

And breaks the minds.

Unity is soiled ground

Where people go die

When there is nothing else to live for.

I’d rather be taught words,

Shaped into swords,

Words that bleed words

And reinvent worlds.

I don’t want one story, but many.

A University.

Your idea, actually.

Tools would be my keys

Thrown into the deep

Those I want to keep.

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